You can exercise your way to a better mood! We designed Exerpy to be the complete package when it comes to depression and anxiety relief, providing a holistic framework for how you can use exercise to transform your mental health.
Neurotransmitters such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are released when you exercise. These neurotransmitters are responsible for many things, and one of them is your mood. Each person is different, but on average, it takes around a minimum of ten minutes of exercise for endorphins to start flooding throughout your brain and body. Because of that, we try to aim for exercises that will reach and exceed that duration of time.
Exerpy programs will be tailored according to your current health condition, fitness levels, and if you have any fitness equipment available. Our programs don’t require any equipment, but if you do have some available, sometimes we like to throw it in to mix things up. Don’t worry about not being able to figure out how to do the exercises in the programs properly. We include a video example of each exercise being performed.
Exerpy programs operate on a level-by-level basis, with each level being gradually more difficult, much like a video game. If you’re successfully progressing through the current level you’re on, you’ll be upgraded to the next level.

What’s Included In your Program?

  • Free initial online consultation.
  • A customized exercise therapy program based on the consultation.
  • Weekly follow-up checks.
  • 24/7 communication.
  • Mental health support.
  • Peer-to-peer support group chats.
  • Leveling up system that keeps clients motivated.
  • If after a week you don’t think the exercise program is for you, no worries. Simply let us know and you won’t be charged. Exerpy has helped countless individuals, and we like when our clients trust the process and give it a chance.


Most frequent questions and answers

We have a number of payment options available depending on your needs. Give our free week trial a chance if you’re in any way hesitant about diving right in.

Weekly Rate


Monthly Rate


Annual Rate


$40 USD


$150 USD (Most popular)


$1700 USD


Suitable for those that just want to get their feet wet and see what it’s like without wanting a long-term commitment.

Perfect for those that really want to take back control of their mental health and want to stay actively engaged in the program.

This option is for those that see no turning back. They want results and want to keep them.


No one likes to be trapped into a contract, and that’s why you’re can opt out of the program at any point if you don’t think it’s working for you.

Just like anything else in life, improvement is something that takes time and effort. Just as one doesn’t instantly become depressed overnight, it’s also something that can’t be instantly cured. By sticking with the workout plan, you’ll eventually develop into a routine. Over time, you’ll gradually begin to notice you’re feeling better about yourself.

It doesn’t matter what your level of current fitness is. Every Exerpy program is tailored around you, with the main goal of uplifting your mood and mental health. Each program will also come accompanied with videos on how to perform each exercise.

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