Exercise has long been recognized as an effective therapy tool to combat anxiousness, depression, and other mental health problems. Although it may not feel like much at first, regular physical activity can help alleviate the symptoms of mental health issues and lead to better moods and a greater sense of well-being in those who suffer from them.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, exercise may be just what you need to feel better about yourself and your life in general. Here are some tips on how to make exercise work as therapy for anxiousness and mental health.
What Is Exercise As Therapy?
Exercise has been used to combat mental health issues ranging from depression to severe anxiousness. A report in The Lancet Psychiatry journal showed that people suffering from depression benefited immensely from exercise. It is also shown that other types of anxieties can be dealt with in a similar manner by using exercise as therapy.
People that suffer anxiety attacks know all too well how bad they can get when these issues are left untreated. They can make it difficult to function properly, leaving you feeling unable to concentrate on anything else but your anxiety attack. Luckily, there are ways you can deal with them so that you don’t have to live like that anymore.
There are many ways you can use exercise as therapy for anxiety, but we will go over some of them later. This way, you will be able to see if any of them work for you or not and start feeling better right away!
Why Do It?
Exercise is often prescribed to alleviate symptoms of depression. People with an underlying mental health disorder may also be more prone to developing an exercise addiction in order to feel better. With some help, you can use exercise as a way to stay physically fit while keeping anxiety levels in check.
It’s also a good idea to talk with your doctor if you notice any of these signs of depression: being easily fatigued, having trouble focusing or remembering things, sleeping too much or too little, loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy, low appetite coupled with weight loss, feeling irritable or restless most days and chronic aches and pains that come on all at once. If these symptoms sound familiar, consider seeking professional help from a mental health specialist.
How Does It Help With Anxiousness?
Exercise is one of many non-pharmaceutical ways to manage anxiety. Studies have shown that exercise can help calm an anxious mind by reducing nervous system arousal. It also helps in a number of ways: You’ll be more focused, your mood will improve, you’ll sleep better, and—when it comes to your health—you’ll even develop a healthier cardiovascular system.
If you struggle with anxiety, consider visiting exerpy.com to talk about what types of exercise might work best for you. If they recommend aerobic exercises like walking or running, try doing them outside (in nature) if possible; research has found that people who spend time in nature experience reduced levels of stress hormones compared to those who spend time indoors.
We all know how good it feels when we’ve had a good workout but did you know that there are mental benefits too? Many people don’t until they discover on their own the personal link between exercising and feeling less anxiousness!
What Types Of Exercise Help With Anxiousness?
The first step in using exercise to combat anxiety is knowing which types of exercise are most effective. Some exercises can help put you in a good mood; others may help stimulate your body and mind, making it easier to overcome stress, worries, or frustrations. So which ones make it onto your therapy workout playlist?
Research suggests that: Aerobic exercise – such as running or swimming – is probably one of your best bets if you’re looking to treat mental health issues like anxiety. One study found that regular aerobic exercise helped alleviate depression symptoms more than a control group—and even more than taking antidepressant medication (though antidepressants are still often recommended).
And another study suggests that moderate aerobic activity reduced symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.
Where Should You Start?
One of the most common signs of depression is not being able to get out of bed. If that’s happening to you, a trip to your doctor or a mental health professional can help you start on your way back to feeling well again. However, sometimes a diagnosis is not needed when you’re dealing with signs of depression; it might just be that you’ve reached a low point in your life.
If so, an alternative approach can make all the difference: exercise! Exercise helps relieve anxiety and improve mood—and it might be easier than some people think. It doesn’t have to mean signing up for a gym membership or a grueling workout routine. It could mean getting off the bus one stop early and walking home instead of taking public transportation, going for walks around your neighborhood during lunchtime, or even doing squats while brushing your teeth in front of the mirror (yes, really).
The key is to find something that works for you—but don’t put it off any longer. Starting today will lead to more energy tomorrow. And if that doesn’t work? There are plenty more exercise strategies out there waiting to be tried, such as the free trial that Exerpy offers!
More Benefits Of Working Out For Mental Health
Exercise is a great way to combat anxiousness, but there are plenty of other ways that getting your sweat on can benefit your mental health. Aside from making you feel good about yourself—the benefits of exercise can be a game-changer when it comes to depression symptoms.
Some symptoms associated with depression include insomnia, decreased appetite, low energy levels, social isolation, suicidal thoughts or behaviors, and difficulty concentrating. Exercise (particularly aerobic exercise) is one of the best remedies for several of these.
It releases feel-good chemicals in your brain called endorphins that give you feelings of euphoria without causing addiction. It also increases serotonin, which improves mood and helps regulate sleep patterns. Plus, people who have exercised have higher self-esteem than those who haven’t been active.
If you struggle with anxiety or depression, contact Exerpy and see how starting an exercise therapy program can work for you.